CiviCRM WordPress Upgrade checklist

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A quick list version of the upgrading doc at with a few personal notes.

  1. ssh to server
  2. ensure everything is backed up right now, not last night. This is normally handled automatically on a daily basis by ManageWP and also by a local msqldump process.
  3. Disable CiviCRM logging because of DB upgrade issues. Administer->System Settings->Misc
  4. Disable InnoDB full text search because of DB upgrade issues. Administer->Customize Data->Search Prefs
  5. cd to /var/www
  6. visit in a browser and get the download links
  7. download civicrm-….zip (and if needed, the localisation files.tar.gz) to somewhere convenient using wget
  8. cd to wp-content/plugins directory of site
  9. mv civicrm directory to /var/www/sitename/civicrm.bak (This is to backup what we have just in case of trouble and to get the existing one out of the way for the new code.)
  10. unzip civicrm-….zip to plugins directory
  11. IF NEEDED: cd to civicrm directory and tar xvzf civicrm…_l10n.tar.gz
  12. cd to wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c and delete everything inside templates_c
  13. upgrade the database by visiting /wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/upgrade&reset=1
  14. re-enable logging if needed
  15. re-enable InnoDB full text search if needed
  16. may need to www-unlock and www-lockdown once or twice to correct permissions.
  17. confirm site function
    1. test a contribution form
    2. test a mailing
    3. test public pages

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