Migrate/Repair CiviCRM to new server

This is simply a set of personal notes based on the instructions at https://docs.civicrm.org/sysadmin/en/latest/misc/switch-servers/. I’ve trimmed it down to a bare bones walk-though for my WordPress situation and to include some solutions for ‘gotchas’ I ran into as I went. It assumes you’re pretty familiar with various command line tools and the Linux CLI in […]

Sending Contribution summary thank you letters

You will need to first ensure that you have Smarty enabled and CKEditor entities disabled. Depending on your access, you may need your sysadmin to do this for you. If you are not sure, then you can try the below anyway, it may already be done. Once you have Smarty enabled, choose Contributions->Find Contributions. If […]

CiviCRM with Smarty

CiviCRM has Smarty support which enables useful logic for contribution emails and similar things, but it is not enabled for email by default. You must edit /wp-content/uploads/civicrm/civicrm.settings.php and enable Smarty: In addition, you should disable entities in CK editor. You can do that at Administer->Customize Data & Screens->Display Preferences. Then scroll down and click the […]

CiviCRM Shortcodes for WordPress

The five possible components are: Contribution and Event components can be put in test mode with mode=”test” In addition, any of these can specify a hijack option and they will replace all other content on that page rather than being display inline. This looks like hijack=”1″. Force: A force attribute is mentioned in the code […]

CiviCRM WordPress Upgrade checklist

A quick list version of the upgrading doc at CiviCRM.org with a few personal notes. ssh to server ensure everything is backed up right now, not last night. This is normally handled automatically on a daily basis by ManageWP and also by a local msqldump process. Disable CiviCRM logging because of DB upgrade issues. Administer->System […]